About Us PaidToRead.com, formerly DollarsByEmail.com is a company that has been in the "Get Paid To Read Email" industry, since July 2001. PaidToRead.com has 820 members listed in its database, and has made many advertising transactions in Checks, and Pay Pal. PaidToRead.com is not just a company that is there to earn money. PaidToRead.com appeared in the "Get Paid To Read Email" industry in July 2001, with the $1 minimum payout option. The main advantage of people joining the PaidToRead.com program is the fact that it will not take long whatsoever, for members to reach the payout minimum. PaidToRead.com faced criticism from several sceptical competing webmasters after launch, and had proven these individuals wrong when commission payments had been issued, only 8 weeks after being in operation. We can provide advertising that is not only targeted by interest, but by country also. We seek advertisers with low budgets, as well as advertisers with large budgets, or advertisers that require specialized advertising campaigns. Large campaigns can be dispersed amongst our network, and to other trusted high quality networks for specialized advertising.